Feingold, Robinson, Kobler, and Dos Santos Must Play Critical New Roles in Congo Peace Process

From Enough blogs Thu Apr 3 2014, 17:10:04

A new Enough Project report written by Sasha Lezhnev and John Prendergast analyzes the changing dynamics of Congo's peace process and outlines recommendations for international actors to help build momentum for peace in Congo.

Executive Summary

The foundation for a viable, comprehensive peace process for the deadly war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is finally starting to emerge. A key factor is the involvement of engaged and empowered international actors. U.S. Special Envoy Russ Feingold, United Nations Special Envoy Mary Robinson, and U.N. Special Representative Martin Kobler and have brought new energy to the peace effort. They have been joined by a significant and influential new African partner in the peace process, Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos. With the support of the envoys, Luanda has staked out a leading role in 2014 in marshaling the Congo peace process forward, as new chair of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR). Despite its complex history in the region, Angola provides a more impartial facilitation than earlier efforts and has the nascent confidence of Congo, Rwanda, and other regional governments to facilitate dialogue among the heads of state. Thus far, President dos Santos has ably chaired talks on regional security issues and on Rwandan-South African tensions, but much more must be done.

The international envoys are working to link the heads of state dialogue with follow-up to the Peace, Security, and Cooperation (PSC) Framework signed one year ago. Without the former, there will be little political will for implementing the latter. Later in January, Congo, its neighbors, and the U.N. tasked Robinson with leading consultations on how to more effectively implement the PSC Framework. Going forward, Angola and the envoys will have to work hard to make sure all of the ...

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